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Chance for young people in Newham to tell their story.

Jane's Walk London is a non-profit organisation part of a larger global network that works as a movement of free, citizen-led walking conversations inspired by Jane Jacobs to encourage critical observation of our cities and local connection. As part of this year's activities, they've just launched YOU(TH)scapes a creative project in collaboration with The Academy of Urbanism focused on youth engagement, creative storytelling and urban exploration.

The project aims to uncover young Londoners' stories of their city and neighbourhoods during COVID-19. We aim to gather around 20 young people aged 16-20 from Newham, Brent, Tower Hamlets and Southwark who will engage in 2 creative workshops and receive guidance on gathering personal urban observations in creative formats.

Registrations are open until 15th March. Upon registration, the young people will receive consent forms, safeguarding policy and code of conduct documents to read and consent to in order to ensure they're joining a safe and regulated environment for this project.

Sign up here

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