#HelpNewham: Important info for VCS, faith sector and local mutual aid groups
What is #HelpNewham?
#HelpNewham is a new service set up by Newham Council to respond to COVID-19. It provides to residents in Category A:
1. Food and essentials
2. Family boxes (with nappies, sanitary towels, condoms, formulae, some basic books/toys),
3. Prescription delivery and
4. Telephone chat/befriending service.
The Category A resident service is intended to compliment the work of the faith, VCS sectors and local mutual aid groups, who can then primarily focus on other residents who may need support (Category B).
Categrory A residents:
NHS Shield list:
• Solid organ transplant recipients
• Some people with cancer who are undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy
• People on immunosuppression drugs
• Women who are pregnant and have heart disease
• People with severe respiratory conditions - cystic fibrosis, severe asthma and COPD
• Some people with rare diseases such as severe combined immunodeficiency
Older people without support networks:
• Over 70+
• Live alone
• Not in receipt of council services
In Receipt of council services:
• Adult social care (mental health, older people, disabilities)
• Youth services
• Children’s social care (Child in need, Early Help, Child Protection Plans)
• Housing (temporary accommodation and homeless, not those in secure council housing)
• Other people known to the council
Please refer to the document below for information about:
If a resident needs help, how should they be referred?
What if the resident’s needs are urgent?
Weekend only - How to get out of hours food supplies
What to do if a resident has received a letter from NHS Shield
Referrals for residents with No Recourse to Public Funds and families in need
How is the London Borough of Newham delivering support to Category A residents?
My organisation needs help and/or my organisation has services to offer