Do you help people connect to each other and their community. Are you a small community based group? The Big Lottery Fund has a Local Connections fund that may help.
The Small Connections fund is aimed at helping groups already connecting people and reducing loneliness to do more.
It is a small grants fund for small groups with a turnover under £50,000 a year.
You can apply for a grant from £300 - £2500. It must be spent by 31 March 2021
BLF are running a workshop where you can find out more
Friday 15th January 2021 at 11am on Zoom
Meeting ID: 920 2998 1628
Passcode: 890258
The grant officer will talk about the current Phase One programme that is open until 26th January and general information about the planned Phase Two that will open later this year.
After the workshop anybody who has already started an application or would like feedback on ideas can book an online surgery session with Compost and Fitter Finance staff.
If you want to book a surgery session, please let Compost know