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SHINE - Newham residents can get help with energy bills


For self-referrals, ensure that clients text their name and number to 07800006143, they will be called back between the hours of 9am and 5pm, Mon-Fri. In most instances, clients will be called back immediately.
Also for online self or third party referrals, please use our online form or email client names and numbers to

The Seasonal Health Intervention Network (SHINE) is a fuel poverty referral network and free energy advice service for Londoners. SHINE London offers a dedicated helpline and affordable warmth interventions to ensure households get the help they need to reduce utility bills, tackle energy debt and ultimately stay well and warm.

SHINE accepts referrals for households of any tenure, with an income below £16,190 or where a households member falls under a SHINE target group:

• Has a disability • Has a long-term health conditions worsened by the cold • Is a child under 15 • Is an adult over 60



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