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Supporting Newham residents to complete the Census

The Census takes place on Sunday 21 March. Every household living in Newham will be required to fill it in, regardless of immigration status or whether living here as a student. This is really important as it ensures that Newham gets the public service funding over the next 10 years for the size of population.

Completing the Census happens online, but anyone who needs help, including getting a paper version or help with filling it in at home can call 0800 141 2021. There is a Text Reply service on (18001)08001412021 and there is help available in languages other than English on 0800 587 2021.

Households will have 4 weeks from 21 March 2021 to complete the survey or risk a £1000 fine.

For organisations who want to know more, please ask us for a copy of the presentation given by the Census team by emailing


 ONE Newham 

One Newham is a partnership network for voluntary, community and faith groups

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One Newham is a registered charity (1181534)

© Copyright One Newham 2021. 

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