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Two funding opportunities from Compass Wellbeing

Winter Pressures Programme for the Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise

Issue Date: 17/1/2022 Funding locations: Bedford, Central Bedfordshire, Luton, Tower Hamlets, Newham, and City & Hackney Total Fund: £1,800,000 Funding amount: £5,000 to £100,000 per scheme Funding applications return deadline: 23:59 on 6/2/2022

East London Foundation NHS Trust is opening a programme of further investment in the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector following the success of recent expansions in the community connector programme and the PCN grant scheme. The programme aims to support organisations working with populations and communities experiencing challenges and exclusion and facing hardship as a result of the pandemic. The investment programme has two primary focus points:

1. Inequalities Grants (Ref. No. WPP LOT 1) Range for applications: £5,000 to £100,000. Open to applications for projects seeking to tackle inequalities in access, experience and outcomes or mental health support, particularly in population groups disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.

2. Resilience and Sustainability Fund (WPP LOT 2) (Ref. No. WPP LOT 2) Range for applications: £5,000 to £100,000. Open to applications from VCSE organisations facing hardship as a result of COVID-19 and to support with recovery.

Funding is project-based and should not be considered to cover continuing revenue costs beyond the life of the project. Projects are expected to be run in the current financial year.

We welcome applications for funding for projects and initiatives of all sizes and scope. The size of successful bids will not necessarily be reflective of the size of your organisation.

We are looking for projects that work with their community – whether that is a community living in the same area, or people with similar interests or life experiences.

If you would like support to complete or review your application contact Compass Wellbeing CIC ( and we will refer you to an independent advisor who will assist you free of charge.

If you have recently applied for funding through the PCN microgrant programme and were not successful indicate whether your previous application should be reconsidered in this latest grant funding process by expressing an interest and referring this in “Section B: Further Information”. Compass Wellbeing will draw your previous application from the archive. You should still sign the new declaration form. If you would like to amend your previous submission and make a new bid then you are free to do so.

Details of the criteria for application under each lot are as follows:

WPP LOT 1: Inequalities Grants – key principles

We invite applications for projects seeking to tackle inequalities in access, experience and outcomes for mental health support, particularly in population groups disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. Addressing inequalities within minority ethnic groups will be a priority, although other priority groups will also be in the scope of the fund if appropriate, depending on local needs and populations.

We invite applications for initiatives in the following areas:

• to co-deliver accessible, culturally tailored and culturally appropriate projects or initiatives with communities to understand, plan for and/or meet the needs and aspirations of people with whom conventional services struggle to engage, and groups who do not access traditional services through conventional means • to support the work of smaller grassroots VCSE, local community/ faith and user-led organisations that are often better placed to engage with and meet the needs of certain groups of service users with severe mental health needs • to address the needs of specific demographic groups and ethnic communities in our local populations (including building up infrastructure and capacity where organisations are non-existent or under-developed) • to engage in specific co-production activities with these groups/ communities that directly shape service delivery • to undertake training and related initiatives around, for example, peer mentoring, inclusion, and cultural competency. This could include culturally competent advocacy, LGBTQ+ specific support (particularly for disordered eating and complex emotional needs transformation), and culturally specific peer support, advocacy and housing for mental health rehabilitation

Proposals should address how they will strengthen and reinforce trust and confidence in services through bridging into statutory services, providing early help and deploying creative approaches.

We welcome applications for funding for activities and initiatives that support children and young people, young adults, working age adults and/or older adults living with moderate to severe mental health problems and their carers. It is accepted that some initiatives may not be described as supporting communities with specific diagnostic needs; however, as a principle this fund should primarily support people living with severe mental ill health in neighbourhoods including those with social needs (e.g. social isolation).

Proposals between £5,000 to £100,000 per scheme.

WPP LOT 2: Resilience and Sustainability Fund – key principles

We invite applications from VCSE organisations facing hardship as a result of COVID-19, and to support them with recovery.

We invite applications from VCSE organisations in the follow context:

• for those at direct risk of closing or losing capacity that currently provides support for mental health service users • to support grants for VCSE organisations whose capacity has been affected by the pandemic and to support COVID-19 recovery • to support grants for VCSE organisations experiencing increased demand as a result of the COVID-19 • activities to support those on waiting lists for access to mental health services e.g. group support • to support to alleviate pressures that may result in hospital admissions and which can feasibly be put in place quickly • to support the delivery of projects aimed at improving residents’ satisfaction with their mental health, physical health, job situation, accommodation, leisure activities, relationships with their partner/family, friendships, or personal safety

Proposals between £5,000 to £100,000 per scheme.


 ONE Newham 

One Newham is a partnership network for voluntary, community and faith groups

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