We are still offering the following services subject to staff, volunteers and availability of supplies.
Day Care
Welfare telephone and video calls, morning and afternoon, once on Saturday and Sunday.
All members and participants of groups, advice, information and advocacy services will be contacted at least once a week to check how they are.
An Advice Advocacy and Information Service
To vulnerable Adults and their family carers: if there are any issues, areas of concern these will be referred to this service which is run by Subco.
Shopping Service
An essential Shopping Delivery Service.
Asian Meals Delivery Service
An Asian Meals Delivery Service cooked fresh on the premises.
Who we are:
SubCo was founded in 1993 to address the unmet needs of vulnerable Asian elders in Newham, one of the poorest areas of the UK. Since that date, we have pioneered innovative, culturally and linguistically appropriate services to meet their health needs and sought to empower them, putting them at the centre of services and at the heart of our organisation.
We now work with over 300 Asian elders each week, providing an integrated, flexible day opportunities programme, with an exciting and stimulating range of activities and support. This includes:
Dementia services
Information, advice and advocacy
Intergenerational work
Health and well-being workshops
Events and trips
Support for family carers
The Asian elders we work with have a range of long-term health conditions, for example, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, memory loss and dementia, hearing loss, arthritis, depression, cancer, and often several of these conditions. With its friendly, experienced and qualified staff team, SubCo now has a strong track record and many years’ experience of providing services to Asian elders with these complex long-term conditions and disabilities. Languages spoken by SubCo staff include Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu. Accessible transport can also be provided, to meet individual need. SubCo’s services can be accessed through a Subco assessment and/or individual budgets.